
FANBANDZ Privacy Policy
Effective Date:October 4, 2023
Welcome to FANBANDZ!
FANBANDZ is a platform that helps connect fans with creators they love. “FANBANDZ,” “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to FANBANDZ, Inc., this platform, and the services offered by FANBANDZ, including the FANBANDZ iOS app, the FANBANDZ Android app, FANBANDZ APIs, FANBANDZ embeds,, and FANBANDZ’s other websites. This Privacy Policy is part of our Terms of Use, and describes how we collect, use, and share information.

Information You Provide FANBANDZ
This is information that you provide to us through text fields, such as your name, payment information, and benefits. The information of this type that we require you to provide differs depending on whether you create an account, become a patron, purchase a subscription or other offering, otherwise engage with a creator, or become a creator, and typically includes at least:

first and last name/surname;

email address;

phone number;


password; and/or

county and state/province of residence.

You may also have the option to sign up for FANBANDZ using a Facebook, Google, or Apple account. We will ask for permission to access basic information from your Facebook, Google, or Apple account, such as your userID, full name, email address, and profile picture. You can choose to stop sharing that information with us at any time by going to Facebook, Google, or Apple to remove FANBANDZ’s access to that account and your ability to use it to log in to FANBANDZ. In order to use an account with one of these companies to sign up for FANBANDZ, these companies may require you to share personal data with them, including information about your usage of FANBANDZ. As applicable to you, please consult the Facebook, Google, and Apple privacy policies to learn more about that.

You may also have the option to add more information to your public profile, such as a location, social media links, and an about section, which we store along with the other information that we collect.

We collect and process information about the creators you subscribe to and/or support, the memberships and other offerings you purchase, and what benefits you receive. As a patron, if you select a membership or offering with a physical benefit then you will be asked to optionally provide your shipping information, including phone number. We may also derive your location from your self-disclosed country, your IP address, and/or your payment card.

A creator is someone who creates a page on FANBANDZ to engage with patrons who purchase memberships or offerings on FANBANDZ to support the creator’s creations. To become a creator, you must create a page that describes what you are creating and any benefits you are offering. To receive payouts, you have to create an account with one of our payment partners: PayPal, Stripe, or Payoneer. If you choose to receive payouts using a payment partner that requires you to provide to them your personal data like name and email address, such as PayPal, then that payment partner may provide that information to FANBANDZ. You may also be required to provide your bank account information to process payouts. You must also provide us with additional information for tax purposes. Depending on your location and the type of creations that you create, you may have to provide FANBANDZ some combination of the following:

email address;

phone number;



first and last name/surname;

business name;


social security number and/or employer identification number;

country of citizenship;

tax identification number, company registration number, and/or VAT number;

date of birth;

place of birth;

your nonprofit registration number, if you are a nonprofit business;

bank account information;

self identification as an Adult/18+ creator; and/or

copies of your ID card and proof of residency.

Additional Information We Collect
Automatically Collected Information
We automatically receive information when you view creations on or otherwise interact with FANBANDZ, even if you have not created an account. For example, when you visit, view or interact with a FANBANDZ embed on another website or mobile app, use FANBANDZ’s mobile apps, sign into FANBANDZ’s services, or view or interact with an email from FANBANDZ, we may automatically receive information about you, including:

your IP address;

your approximate location (typically derived from your IP address);

your browser and/or device type;

your operating system;

your language settings;

the referring web page (including parameters contained therein);

your mobile carrier;

device information (including device and application IDs);

your search terms (including those not submitted as queries);

the links you click;

the pages you visit/the creations you load or request;

session length, dwell time, and duration of media experiences (including view time); and/or

cookie information (further detailed in our Cookie Policy).

A fan is someone who subscribes and/or makes a purchase on FANBANDZ, which may come with special benefits from creators they love. As a patron, you must provide your payment information to our payment partners. You can see the Privacy Policy for these payment partners on the Adyen, Venmo, Apple, PayPal, Stripe, and Checkout sites. FANBANDZ stores the expiry and postal code associated with your payment card, but does not store your full payment card number. Instead, FANBANDZ uses a service provider to create a token that represents your card’s primary account number, which FANBANDZ then stores. If you choose to pay using a payment partner that requires you to provide to them your personal data like name and email address, such as PayPal, then that payment partner may provide that information to FANBANDZ.

Messages and Comments on FANBANDZ
When you send or receive messages or when you post or are mentioned in comments or messages on FANBANDZ, we collect the contents of those messages and comments as well as information about related activity, including the timestamp of those messages and comments and who has viewed those messages or comments.

Event Information & Surveys
From time to time, we may solicit your participation in surveys related to FANBANDZ events. In order to better understand and serve creators and patrons, we may ask you for demographic information, including information related to your gender identity, ethnicity, race, age, sexual orientation, earnings, and accessibility, which you may optionally choose to provide. We collect such information to help us better understand the overall population of creators and patrons that use FANBANDZ, to develop and market events for creators and patrons, and to showcase creators for greater discoverability, including at such events. When you complete these surveys, we store your survey responses, including any such demographic information you choose to provide.

We may also request information from you at in-person and online events. This information may include your name, email address, mobile phone number, details about the types of creations you create, and survey or feedback responses.

Blogs & Creator Education Sites
We may collect and store your email address, your comments, and your profile information from our blog and creator education sites.

Information from Third-Party Accounts
After creating a FANBANDZ account, you may be able to connect your social media account(s) (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch) with FANBANDZ and we may collect and store some information related to those accounts, including:

profile information, including userID, username, page name, and/or profile picture;

follower and/or subscriber counts;

relationship graph, including accounts you follow and that follow you;

post and/or upload counts; and/or

view, like, and/or comment counts.

You may also grant FANBANDZ access to these third-party accounts in order for some FANBANDZ features to operate. When you connect such a third-party account to your FANBANDZ account, that third-party service will typically present a page that describes the information that FANBANDZ can access and/or permissions you are granting to FANBANDZ to take actions on your behalf. At any time, you may be able to revoke FANBANDZ’s access to those accounts using the respective third party’s settings page (e.g. here for Google).

FANBANDZ uses YouTube API services. By using FANBANDZ in connection with YouTube API Services, you agree to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service.

FANBANDZ may operate certain promotions from FANBANDZ-operated accounts on third party platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Personal data collected by FANBANDZ as part of such promotions will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Consent and Age Verification Information Regarding Adult/18+ Creations
To make sure FANBANDZ is a safe place for everyone, FANBANDZ is required to have all creators sharing sexually explicit creations or creations that include nudity verify that they are over the age of 18. When doing so, such creators must, as further explained inline within our product, consent to our service provider collecting and disclosing their personal data pursuant to its privacy policy. FANBANDZ is also required to have all creators sharing sexually explicit creations or creations that include nudity agree to obtain consent from each person depicted in their creations and to verify that each such person is over the age of 18. FANBANDZ does not collect this information directly and instead provides creators with a consent form template that they may use for this purpose. When it is necessary to do so, however, FANBANDZ may request that creators provide this information to FANBANDZ.

Information Collected by Third Parties
Third parties may use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. Please see our Cookie Policy for more information on the use of cookies on FANBANDZ. You can see and adjust your cookie preferences for your current browser for here.

Social Media Features and Widgets
We may use social media and related products and features, including a Discord server, the Facebook Like button, and widgets, such as the Share button or similar interactive mini-programs that run on FANBANDZ. These features may collect your IP address and other personal data, including which page you are visiting on our site, and may set and/or read cookies. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or directly on FANBANDZ. For more information on the technologies used by these third parties, the information they collect, and how that information is used, please refer to their respective privacy policies. Below are links to the privacy policies of the most used such services for easy reference:

Facebook, including Instagram:

Google, including YouTube:





How We Use Information
As applicable, we use the information we collect to:

comply with industry requirements, self-regulatory guidelines, US federal law, US state law, and international laws, including tax reporting requirements;

verify your identity to comply with industry requirements, self-regulatory guidelines, US federal law, US state law, and international laws;

enable you to sign in to your account;

enable you to subscribe to creators and/or purchase subscriptions and offerings on FANBANDZ;

process payments and payouts;

apply VAT and/or sales tax;

deliver membership benefits and other offerings;

send physical merchandise to your shipping address;

send you messages and notifications, including push notifications, email, and SMS/MMS as controlled by your notification preferences;

provide you with information about FANBANDZ, FANBANDZ products, and your memberships and offerings on FANBANDZ;

provide you with customer support and reply to your questions;

promote your FANBANDZ account and/or creator page for greater discoverability;

personalize the FANBANDZ experience, including recommending creators to patrons;

market FANBANDZ products and services to you or to audiences similar to you, including via personalized advertising (also referred to as online behavioral advertising or interest-based advertising) as controlled by your marketing preferences;

organize and tailor in-person and online events;

understand and analyze how you use the service;

conduct research and development to improve FANBANDZ and develop our products and their features;

prevent fraud, abuse, and illegal activities on FANBANDZ, including using automated processing and manual review; and/or

provide you with reasonable accommodation if you notify us of a disability.

Information Shared with Creators
By subscribing, purchasing a membership or offering on FANBANDZ that is offered by a creator, or otherwise engaging with or becoming a patron of a creator, you agree to share personal data with that creator that may include:

your full name in your FANBANDZ profile;

your email address;

your other FANBANDZ profile information, including your avatar image;

your physical address, city, state/province, and country if you select a membership or offering with a physical benefit and choose to provide your shipping information;

your phone number, when you have signed up to support a creator who engages with you via text messages, if you select a membership or offering with a physical benefit and choose to provide your shipping information, or when you have signed up for event notifications via text;

all information about your pledge, including amount and start date but not your full payment card information; and

some aggregated data about how you use FANBANDZ, including analytics like post views, video views, and video view duration.

We may solicit your participation in surveys related to particular creators on FANBANDZ. For example, when you subscribe and/or make a purchase on FANBANDZ or when you cancel a subscription, you may be asked to optionally take a survey about that choice. If you choose to participate in that survey, then you agree that your responses, which may include your personal data like full name and email address, will be shared with the associated creator.

When you use FANBANDZ to send a message to another user, including a creator, the contents of that message will be shared with the recipients you select.

FANBANDZ maintains a Data Processing Agreement governing how creators are permitted to process the information that is shared with them. We refer to this as the Creator Privacy Promise, which details a creator’s promise to protect the privacy of their patrons during and beyond their FANBANDZ relationship. You can view the Creator Privacy Promise here.

As part of offering and operating a creator page and/or membership on FANBANDZ, a creator may use one or more third-party services. These third parties may, for example, host creations or help deliver benefits, including shipping packages to patrons. Accordingly, creators may share patron personal data with such third-party services and/or enable patrons to elect to share personal data with such third-party services in order to receive offerings or membership benefits or otherwise participate in a membership or related event. FANBANDZ’s app directory provides information about many of these third-party services, though it is not exhaustive as creators may also use other services. You should review the privacy policies of these third-party services in order to understand how they collect, use, and share personal data.

Information Shared with Communities on FANBANDZ
By subscribing, purchasing a membership or offering on FANBANDZ that is offered by a creator, otherwise engaging with or becoming a patron of a creator, or by creating a creator page yourself, you are joining a FANBANDZ community associated with that creator. This community is comprised of the creator and people who have subscribed to, purchased a membership or offering on FANBANDZ that is offered by, or otherwise engaged with or become a patron of that creator, including those who subscribed to that creator for free. You agree to share personal data with that community that may include:

your full name in your FANBANDZ profile for that community;

your avatar image in your FANBANDZ profile for that community;

your biographical description in your FANBANDZ profile for that community;

your connected social media accounts in your FANBANDZ profile for that community;

your subscription, membership tier, or other recurring payment related to the creator associated with that community;

the offerings you’ve purchased on FANBANDZ related to the creator associated with that community;

how long you’ve supported the creator associated with that community, including the date you first purchased an offering and/or started each subscription and/or membership tier related to that creator;

the communities on FANBANDZ to which you and the person viewing your community profile both belong;

the chat rooms on FANBANDZ in which you and the person viewing your community profile both are or have been present; and

your status in that community, including awards and badges you’ve received and any moderator or other roles you have.

This personal data may be displayed in your community profile, which may have more information than your public profile and is visible to fellow community members. You can learn more about the personal data that may be shared with communities on FANBANDZ, including in community profiles, and your associated controls over that data in our Help Center. If you disable your community profile in your settings, then your public profile, which is described below, may be displayed to fellow community members.

When you comment on a post, like a post or message, react to a post or message, join a chat room, send a chat message, express interest in an event, join an event experience, and take other community actions you are visible to the associated sections of those FANBANDZ communities. When you are typing a message in a chat room or other community space, this may be displayed to the other people in that chat room or community space. Comments, messages, likes, and reactions in community spaces are visible to the associated FANBANDZ community and community members who later join the associated community space may be able to see the full history of comments, messages, likes, and reactions. For example, chat messages sent to a community chat room or community event experience are visible to the sections of that community associated with the chat room or event. Similarly, comments, likes, and reactions related to a post visible to a community are visible to the sections of that associated community that can see that post. If the visibility of a post or community space later changes, then the visibility of the associated comments, messages, likes, and reactions may also change along with it. For example, if a post is later made available to a larger section of a FANBANDZ community, then the comments, likes, and reactions on that post may also become available to that section of that FANBANDZ community.

Information Shared with the Public
The following information may be publicly accessible or otherwise shared with members of the public and you can learn more in our Help Center:

Aggregated and otherwise non-personal data, including aggregated usage data in blog posts, press releases, or other ways to share information about FANBANDZ’s usage and business.

Comments, likes, and other reactions inherit the visibility of the associated post or message. Accordingly, comments, likes, and reactions on public posts or messages are public and comments, likes, and reactions on posts or messages with limited visibility are visible to the audience of users to whom the author has made the post or message available. If a non-public post or message is later made public, then the comments, likes, and reactions on that post or message may also become public.

For patrons:

your public FANBANDZ profile, including your user name, avatar image, and the date you created your FANBANDZ account;

social media accounts you’ve connected to your FANBANDZ account;

your public biographical description if you’ve added one to your FANBANDZ account; and

if your full public profile setting is enabled:

the creators you support and the date you started supporting them;

the subscription, membership tier, or other recurring payment for each creator you support;

the posts you’ve liked; and

the comments you’ve made.

For creators:

your public FANBANDZ profile, including your user name, avatar image, the date you created your FANBANDZ account, and location information you’ve added;

social media accounts you’ve connected to your FANBANDZ account;

your public biographical description if you’ve added one to your FANBANDZ account;

if your full public profile setting is enabled,

the creators you support and the date you started supporting them;

the subscription, membership tier, or other recurring payment for each creator you support;

the posts you’ve liked; and

the comments you’ve made;

the contents of your creator page, including a description of your creator page, descriptions of your membership tiers, the titles of all of your posts, goals you’ve set for your creator page, whether your creator page has a shop, and information about any offerings you’ve added to that shop, including the title, description, and characteristics of those offerings;

if your patronage visibility setting is enabled, the number of patrons who have subscribed to your creator page;

if your earnings visibility setting is enabled, the amount of money earned on FANBANDZ from your creator page;

the contents of your posts are made available to the audience you’ve selected – for example, public posts are public and posts limited to a selected membership tier are visible to anyone who subscribes to that tier;

patrons of your creator page may be notified when you become a patron for another creator page on FANBANDZ if your full public profile setting is enabled; and

when you like or react to a comment on one of the posts on your creator page this fact may be displayed to the audience that can view the post based on the post’s visibility setting.

Information Shared with Third Parties
We never sell your information to third parties. Other than information that is shared with creators, shared with communities on FANBANDZ, or shared with members of the public, we will only share data with third parties under the following circumstances:

FANBANDZ’s service providers: these are companies that are contractually engaged with us to provide us with services, including cloud hosting, content distribution, security, order fulfillment, email and document management, internal communication/chat, analytics, credit card processing, multi-currency settlement solutions, and fraud detection and prevention. We may share your personal data with such service providers subject to obligations consistent with this Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures, and on the condition that these third parties use your personal data only on FANBANDZ’s behalf and pursuant to our instructions (service providers may use other non-personal data for their own benefit).

Government and law enforcement agencies

Tax reporting: to satisfy obligations to report information to tax authorities, including reporting information about creators’ earnings on FANBANDZ, tax identification information, and information related to transactional taxes such as Valued Added Tax, Goods and Services Tax, other local service or sales taxes in non-US locations, and state sales tax in the United States.

Legal process and law enforcement: to protect the security or integrity of FANBANDZ, as well as to protect the rights, property, and safety of FANBANDZ, its employees, patrons, creators, or others, or if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation, or other valid legal process (e.g. subpoenas or warrants served on FANBANDZ). When legally permitted to do so, and under appropriate circumstances, FANBANDZ will endeavor to notify you (typically by email) when we intend to release your data pursuant to a valid government request, law-enforcement request, or other legal process.

Any third parties connected with the sale, merger, bankruptcy, sale of assets, or reorganization of our company: in such a circumstance the promises in this Privacy Policy apply to any data transferred to a new entity.

Payment partners: to make sure FANBANDZ is a safe community for everyone, FANBANDZ is required to have all creators sharing sexually explicit creations or creations that include nudity verify that they are over the age of 18, agree to obtain consent from each person depicted in their creations, and agree to verify that each such person is over the age of 18. Upon request from a payment partner, FANBANDZ may share the information used to verify that such an Adult/18+ creator is over the age of 18 with the requesting payment partner in order to demonstrate compliance with their rules. With respect to people depicted in Adult/18+ creations, FANBANDZ does not collect this age verification or consent information directly and instead provides creators with a consent form template that they may use for this purpose. When it is necessary to do so, however, FANBANDZ may request that creators provide this information to FANBANDZ. Upon request from a payment partner, FANBANDZ may thereafter share this information with the requesting payment partner in order to demonstrate compliance with their rules.

Individuals to whom you’ve granted teammate permissions: team accounts is a feature that FANBANDZ makes available to some creators to help them use a team of people to manage their creator page. Team accounts are comprised of a single team lead role and a number of teammate roles. The team lead is the primary owner of the account and can add and remove teammates who have access to perform a subset of actions with respect to the applicable creator page and manage a subset of the information about that creator page. Please review our Help Center for more information about the scope of permissions that are granted with the teammate role. If you choose to grant anyone teammate access to a creator page, then FANBANDZ will follow your instructions and grant the access or permission that you’ve selected.

Third-party services to which you’ve connected your FANBANDZ account: when you connect your FANBANDZ account to other websites, apps, or services, you may be asked to give those websites, apps, or services access to information about your FANBANDZ account and/or permission to perform actions within your FANBANDZ account on your behalf. If you choose to take such an authorization action, then FANBANDZ will follow your instructions and grant the access or permission that you’ve selected.

Your Preferences and Control over Your Data
Choosing Your Preferences
On, you may find your settings in the left navigation panel after you log in to your FANBANDZ account. On FANBANDZ’s mobile apps, you may find your settings by clicking on your avatar or profile. Settings let you see and adjust your account preferences, including privacy preferences. You can separately see and adjust your cookie preferences for your current browser for here.

Opting out of Marketing
You may opt out of marketing at any time in every marketing communication as applicable. You may also adjust your preferences in your settings.

Opting out will stop marketing emails and SMS/MMS as applicable. Please allow up to 30 days for your opt-out request to be processed. If you have an account with FANBANDZ, you will continue to receive service-related emails and texts if you have opted into receiving texts. You will also continue to receive service-related shipments of benefits to the designated delivery address.

We may work with third-party advertising partners to market our services. You can opt your current browser out of interest-based advertising from partners that adhere to the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising at On Android, depending on your version of Android, you can delete the advertising ID for your current device in your Android phone’s settings or you can opt your current device out of interest-based advertising by enabling “Opt out of Ads Personalization” in your Android phone’s settings (precise directions and setting name may be different on different Android versions). On iOS 13 and previous versions only, you can opt your current device out of interest-based advertising by enabling the “Limit Ad Tracking” setting in your iOS phone’s settings (precise directions may be different on different iOS versions). On iOS 14 and later versions only, if you don't want to allow apps to access your current device’s iOS Identifier for Advertising, you can disable the “Allow Apps to Request to Track” setting in your iOS settings (precise directions may be different on different iOS versions).

Turning Off Email Notifications
You can change your email notifications in your email settings. While this allows you to stop many notification emails, we will still send other service-related emails.

Turning Off Mobile Push Notifications
If you download the FANBANDZ iOS or Android app you may also receive notifications on your mobile device. These can be disabled in the App settings.

Controlling Your Data
We enable individuals to:

access their personal data that FANBANDZ has collected;

correct or rectify any such personal data that they believe is inaccurate;

restrict or oppose the processing of their personal data;

delete their personal data; and

transport their personal data.

You can do this on FANBANDZ in the following ways:

access, review, modify, and update your data by logging in to your account at FANBANDZ and going to your account settings;

access your personal data, port it, or delete it data by clicking on the "Make a Privacy Request" button at the FANBANDZ Privacy Center;

delete a previously-disabled account by emailing FANBANDZ at; and

exercising preferences as described above.

If you are unable to log in to your account, and are unable to recover your account with a password reset in order to lodge your privacy request, then you may reach out to We reserve the right to refuse access to or recovery of an account, at our sole discretion, in order to prevent an unauthorized takeover of your account or unauthorized access to your personal data.

Verification of Requests
Users typically maintain password-protected accounts with FANBANDZ. If you submit a request to exercise your privacy rights, you will be asked to verify the request by logging in to your FANBANDZ account, or to verify your identity in another manner.

If we are unable to adequately verify your request at our sole discretion then, in order to protect against unauthorized access to personal data, we reserve the right to deny the request.

Do Not Track Signals
Your browser may be configured to transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to websites that you visit. There is no industry-standard approach to what this signal means. Accordingly, FANBANDZ does not monitor or otherwise respond to these “Do Not Track” signals.

Ohio Privacy Laws
FANBANDZ’s headquarters are located in Ohio, USA.

The Ohio Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) allows Ohio residents to request access to the specific pieces and categories of personal information that the business has collected about the consumer, the categories of sources for that information, the business or commercial purposes for collecting the information, and the categories of third parties with which the information was shared.

FANBANDZ provides Ohio residents and all users with the right to view, access, or transport their information at the FANBANDZ Privacy Center. All users also have the right to submit a request to delete information by going to the FANBANDZ Privacy Center, clicking on the "Make a Privacy Request" button and requesting "Erase." We do not discriminate against users who exercise their privacy rights.

Under Ohio’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code section 1798.83), Ohio residents have certain rights regarding the disclosure of their information to third parties for their own direct marketing purposes. FANBANDZ’s policy is not to share your information with third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes if you have exercised your option to prevent that. If you wish to not have your personal information shared for those purposes, you may adjust your preferences or request that we delete your personal information by following the steps outlined above.

EU Privacy Laws and Data Transfers
FANBANDZ is a global company. By using FANBANDZ, you agree that your personal data may be transferred to and stored in the United States, and handled as described in this Policy. FANBANDZ acts as a data controller, as defined under applicable law. If you reside in the European Union (including EFTA States), the United Kingdom, or Switzerland, FANBANDZ Portugal acts as a controller of your personal data. If you reside anywhere else, FANBANDZ, Inc. acts as a controller of your personal data.

FANBANDZ processes personal data based on different legal grounds depending on the circumstances. This includes performance of a contract, legitimate interest, legal obligation, and consent where appropriate. Where we rely on consent, you may withdraw such consent at any time.

Contractual Protections Covering Transfers
Where appropriate, FANBANDZ transfers of personal data of individuals in the European Union (including EFTA States) and the United Kingdom outside of those locations are performed based on contractual obligations placed on the recipient of the personal data.

Data Privacy Framework and Principles
FANBANDZ, Inc. adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles and complies with the associated EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, sharing, and retention of personal data transferred from the European Union (including EFTA States), the United Kingdom, and Switzerland to the United States. As applicable, we do not, however, rely solely on the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, or the Swiss-US Data Privacy Framework as our lawful basis to transfer personal data from the European Union, EFTA States, or the United Kingdom. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework program, and to view our certification, please visit

With respect to the personal data received or transferred pursuant to the Data Privacy Frameworks, FANBANDZ, Inc. is subject to the regulatory enforcement powers of the US Federal Trade Commission. Under certain circumstances, Data Privacy Framework participants may be liable for the transfer of personal data from the EU, EFTA States, or the United Kingdom to third parties outside the EU, EFTA States, and the United Kingdom. If you have a dispute with us about our Data Privacy Framework compliance, we ask that you first submit any such complaints directly to us at If you aren’t satisfied with our response, you may contact JAMS – the US-based independent alternative dispute resolution provider responsible for reviewing and resolving complaints about our Data Privacy Framework compliance free of charge to you – via In the event your concern still isn’t addressed by JAMS, you may be entitled to a binding arbitration under the Data Privacy Framework and its principles. More Information about this arbitration process can be found here.

Contacting our Data Protection Officer
If you have privacy concerns or questions, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) via email at with “FAO DPO” in the subject title.

You may also post a letter to the DPO with your questions.

For users located outside of the European Union (including EFTA States), the United Kingdom, and Switzerland, including users in the United States European Union (including EFTA States), the United Kingdom, or Switzerland, post should be sent to:

FANBANDZ Privacy Team


1300 Superior Ave

Suite 1603

Cleveland, OH 44114
We take your privacy queries seriously, and are committed to resolving any complaints that may arise about our collection or use of your data. If you believe your privacy rights have been infringed, we encourage you to contact our DPO at You may also have the right to complain to the appropriate data protection supervisory authority.

Establishing an Authorized Agent
You may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. In order to designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, you must provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’s valid government ID, and the authorized agent’s valid government ID. Please contact with your request. In order to prevent an unauthorized takeover of your account or unauthorized access to your personal data, we may decline access to or recovery of your account at our sole discretion.

Our Data Retention Period
FANBANDZ stores your personal data until it is no longer necessary to provide our services, or until you ask us to delete it. We may continue to retain some information even after you delete your account if we are required to do so in order to comply with applicable laws.

The security of your personal data is important to us and we follow industry standards to protect it. You can learn more on our Security Policy page.

FANBANDZ is not directed to children, and you may not use FANBANDZ if you are under the age of 13. You must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your personal data in your country (in some countries we may allow your parent or legal guardian to do so on your behalf). You must be at least 18 years old or have your parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to have a creator page on FANBANDZ or to purchase an offering or subscription on FANBANDZ. You must be at least 18 years old to subscribe to an Adult/18+ creator or purchase an offering related to such a creator.

We may sometimes make changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make a change to this Policy that, in FANBANDZ’s sole discretion, is material, then we will let you know before the changes come into effect. Continuing to use FANBANDZ after a change to this policy means you accept the new policy. If you have any questions, please email

You can find the old Privacy Policy here.

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